The (Ex)perience of Love
A film by Ann Sirot and Raphaël Balboni
category : Completed, Feature Films
Rémy and Sandra are unable to have a child as they suffer from “Past Love Syndrome.” In order to be cured, they only have one solution: they have to sleep once again with each and every one of their past lovers.
Lucie Debay, Lazare Gousseau, Florence Loiret Caille, Nora Hamzawi, Ninon Borsei, Florence Janas
PHOTOGRAPHY : Jorge Piquer Rodriguez l SOUND : Aline Huber l SET DESIGN: Julien Dubourg l COSTUMES : Frédérick Denis l MAKE-UP : Élodie Liénard l HAIR : Élodie Liénard l CHOREOGRAPHY: Denis Robert l LOCATION MANAGEMENT: Jean-Baptiste Foucart l ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT : Cyril Dupont l GRIP : Romain Tardy l FILM EDITING : Sophie Vercruysse, Raphaël Balboni l SOUND EDITING : Agathe Poche l SOUND EFFECTS : Xavier Drouault l MIXING: Gilles Benardeau l GRADE : Jorge Piquer Rodriguez l MUSIC : Julie Roué
PRODUCTION : Julie Esparbes (Hélicotronc) – Delphine Schmit, Guillaume Dreyfus (Tripode Productions)
86 min - Color - DCP - Scope 2,39:1 - Sound 5.1

"One of the jewels of the new cinema season. Poetic and sociological, dreamlike and joyful."Moustique
"Unexpected, whimsical and funny."Le Soir
"In tune with the times, this film is also cunning, playful and deeply touching."Metro
"'The' belgian rom-com of the season from the duo Sirot-Balboni."L’Avenir
"Awfully refreshing."RTBF

A coproduction Hélicotronc, Tripode Productions, L’Oeil Tambour, RTBF (Télévision belge), Proximus, Voo and Betv, Shelter Prod, with the support of Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, la Région de Bruxelles Capitale,, ING, le Tax Shelter du Gouvernement Fédéral de Belgique, with the support of Centre National du Cinéma et de l’image animée, With the participation of Canal+, de Ciné+, in association with Be For Films, KMBO, Imagine, Cinémage 17, with the support of la SACEM et la Fondation Porosus
International Sales: BE FOR FILMS I Distribution Belgium: IMAGINE FILMS I Distribution France : KMBO
Cannes – 62e Semaine de la Critique
Tallinn Black Nights
Brussels International Film Festival
Cinematik IFF
Reykjavík International Film Festiva
FIFF de Tübingen Stuttgart
Festival REC de Tarragona
Chennai IFF
Göteborg IFF
© 2023 Hélicotronc - Tripode Productions - L'œil-Tambour - RTBF - Proximus - VOO Betv