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The (Ex)perience of Love

A film by Ann Sirot and Raphaël Balboni

category : Completed, Feature Films


Rémy and Sandra are unable to have a child as they suffer from “Past Love Syndrome.” In order to be cured, they only have one solution: they have to sleep once again with each and every one of their past lovers.


Lucie Debay, Lazare Gousseau, Florence Loiret Caille, Nora Hamzawi, Ninon Borsei, Florence Janas


PHOTOGRAPHY : Jorge Piquer Rodriguez l SOUND : Aline Huber l SET DESIGN: Julien Dubourg l COSTUMES : Frédérick Denis l MAKE-UP : Élodie Liénard l HAIR : Élodie Liénard l CHOREOGRAPHY: Denis Robert l  LOCATION MANAGEMENT: Jean-Baptiste Foucart l ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT : Cyril Dupont l   GRIP : Romain Tardy l FILM EDITING : Sophie Vercruysse, Raphaël Balboni l SOUND EDITING : Agathe Poche l SOUND EFFECTS : Xavier Drouault l MIXING: Gilles Benardeau l GRADE : Jorge Piquer Rodriguez l MUSIC : Julie Roué

PRODUCTION : Julie Esparbes (Hélicotronc) – Delphine Schmit, Guillaume Dreyfus (Tripode Productions)



86 min - Color - DCP - Scope 2,39:1 - Sound 5.1

Affiche BE Syndrome
LSDAP 16by9_1.1.1-min
Coproducers and Partners

A coproduction Hélicotronc, Tripode Productions, L’Oeil Tambour, RTBF (Télévision belge), Proximus, Voo and Betv, Shelter Prod, with the support of Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, la Région de Bruxelles Capitale,, ING, le Tax Shelter du Gouvernement Fédéral de Belgique, with the support of Centre National du Cinéma et de l’image animée, With the participation of Canal+, de Ciné+, in association with Be For Films, KMBO, Imagine, Cinémage 17, with the support of la SACEM et la Fondation Porosus

International Sales and Distribution

International Sales: BE FOR FILMS I Distribution Belgium: IMAGINE FILMS I Distribution France : KMBO

Awards and Selections

Cannes – 62e Semaine de la Critique

Tallinn Black Nights

Brussels International Film Festival

Cinematik IFF

Reykjavík International Film Festiva

FIFF de Tübingen Stuttgart

Festival REC de Tarragona

Chennai IFF

Göteborg IFF


© 2023 Hélicotronc - Tripode Productions - L'œil-Tambour - RTBF - Proximus - VOO Betv