A film by Bérangère Mc Neese
category : Completed, Short Films
Anna is 16 and lives with her young mother Rebecca. As Anna learns she is pregnant, her mother sees herself in her daughter, at the same age, facing the same choices. And if Anna’s decision implies a rupture in her relationship with Rebecca, she will find support where she least expects it.
Héloïse Volle, Victoire du Bois, Guillaume Duhesme, Louis Durant, Keylian Lechevalier, Yanis Msaouar, Jassir Chaouch, Enzo Chabrut, Abdelkarim Chaouch, David Faure, Leni Menon, Anne Leforestier, Johan Gauci, Gauthier del Pia
PHOTOGRAPHY : Olivier Boonjing l SOUND : Jules Valeur l SET DESIGN : Clémence Ney l COSTUMES : Sybille Langh l MAKE-UP : Muriel Saby l LOCATION MANAGEMENT : Bruno Ghariani l GAFFER : Jeremy Bell l FILM EDITING : Christophe Evrard l SOUND EDITING : Sarah Gouret l SOUND EFFECTS : Olivier Thys l MIXING : Mathieu Cox l GRADE : Olivier Boonjing l MUSIC : Rony Brack
PRODUCTION : Julie Esparbes (Hélicotronc) – Lucas Tothe (Punchline Cinéma)
23 min - Color - DCP - Ratio 16/9 (1,77:1) - Dolby 5.1

A Hélicotronc and Punchline Cinéma production, in coproduction with Shelter Prod, With the support of the Centre du Cinéma et de l’audiovisuel et de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, supported by and ING
With the support of la Région PACA, in partnership with le CNC
Magritte – Meilleur Court-Métrage
Brussels Short Film Festival – Prix de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Prix de RTBF LaTrois, Prix de la meilleure Actrice Héloïse Volle
Festival International du Court-Métrage de Clermont-Ferrant
Festival Internation du film francophone de Namur (FIFF)
Festival International Rhode Island – Grand Prix de la meilleure réalisation
© 2019