In the room: Home movies
A film by Yves Cantraine
category : Completed, Documentaries, Short Films
Immersing himself solely in family and personal archives, films of parties and travels, the confined director takes his impetus, questions the images, frees the sound memory, and travels through time and space. The return to the past thereby becomes a dance and a poetic drift. As Emily Dickinson, the film’s tutelary figure, wrote: “I dwell in Possibility / A fairer House than Prose“.
Dancers : Rut Balbís, Pepa Cases, Rocio Fernández, Iker Gómez, Maria Ibarretxe, Roser López, Manuel Rodriguez
PHOTOGRAPHY : Yves Cantraine, Roger Cantraine l SOUND : Yves Cantraine, Joaquín Embi, Jean-Noël Boissé, Antoine Pimentel l FILM EDITING : Yves Cantraine, Pauline Piris-Nury l SOUND EDITING : Jean-Noël Boissé l SOUND DESIGNER : Olivier Thys l MIXING : Jean-Noël Boissé l GRADE : Laura Perera San Martín l MUSIC : Ivan Georgiev, Veronika Harcsa, Bálint Gyémánt
PRODUCTION : Anthony Rey, Julie Esparbes (Hélicotronc) – Stéfanie Bodien (l’Atelier de production du GSARA)
42 min - Color - DCP - Ratio 1,85:1 - Sound 5.1 - Framerate 25 FPS

Produced by Hélicotronc and l’Atelier de production du GSARA, with the help of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.
© 2023 Hélicotronc - GSARA